星期五, 11月 08, 2013

The Avengers Mini Muggs

If you have a pulse, you’re very aware that The Avengers film is currently in production and will be released on May 4th to the wide world of hardcore comic fans and movie-goers alike. The momentum built by the exceptional Iron ManThor and Captain America films will hopefully carry The Avengers’ cosmic, intense adventures to some truly epic, exciting places.
On the opposite side of that, it’s already taken them to some fairly adorable places.

Hasbro has pretty much abandoned their  full-scale Mighty Muggs line of figures after a fairly successful stab at the urban vinyl / designer toy market. After creating Muggs for everything from Star Wars to Transformers, GI Joe and Marvel Comics (including my favorite, Galactus), Hasbro decided to shrink the plump little guys down to about 1/3rd of their original size. Thus, Mini Muggs were born : less expensive, consuming less space, and far more appropriate to their “cute” designs.
Seen above are six Avengers Mini Mighty Muggs based on The Avengers cinematic appearances : Hulk, Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Thor, Iron Man and Captain America. My own collecting predilections skew towards the classic, comic book forms of superheroes, so you’ll rarely find a Christian Bale Batman on my shelf… but that Iron Man is just sleek (and shiny) enough to be very attractive. If you’re intent on going classic, look no further…
Perhaps overdosing on the “cute” thing a little severely, we get some classic comic book Muggs here, all of them wearing costumes from around the 1980s or earlier. You know, when comics were still pure. From left to right, top to bottom (each paired with their mortal enemy), we have Captain America, Red Skull, Abomination, Hulk, Iron Man (in Silver Centurion armor), Iron Monger, Thor, and Loki.
No matter how you want your Avengers, you’re covered. And soon, my desk will be covered too.

