Smoke Artworks in Glass Bottles by Jim Dingilian
by Jim Dingilian
Artist Jim Dingilian‘s works optically befuddling artwork made from smoke and a glass bottle. Dingilian says, “The miniature scenes I depict are of locations on the edge of suburbia which seem mysterious or even slightly menacing despite their commonplace nature. The bottles add to the implied narratives of transgression. When found by the sides of roads or in the weeds near the edges of parking lots, empty liquor bottles are artifacts of consumption, delight, or dread. As art objects, they become hourglasses of sorts, their drained interiors now inhabited by dim memories.”
空的玻璃瓶可以拿來幹麻呢?浪漫一點的話,或許可以在裡頭寫下滿滿情意,然後投向大海,看是不是會哪個有緣人收到!而在國外有位藝術家Jim Dingilian 就超強的,他將蠟燭燃燒時所產生的煙,通通給收到瓶子裡,還把這些煙變成了一幅幅美麗的風景!看的我好想大聲說「這真是太神奇了~傑克!」
《瓶中煙》由Jim Dingilian 所創作出來的這個藝術品,真的是很厲害,不過對於他到底是怎麼將氣體變成那些風景的,至今只有他自己本人知道而已說~我們就一起來看看他這超神氣的作品吧!
