星期四, 10月 10, 2013

[轉貼] 癡情

Morning bird was singing the night insects never stopped playing safflower greenery blue sky and white clouds are listening to you play
?I was a member of the audience now, but I want to be a bird of the morning the night insects singing and played the song for you day and night
Whether you have not heard I will always sing played the down until I left

晨鳥曾唱的歌 夜蟲永不停止的演奏 紅花綠樹 青天白雲都在聽著你們演奏 
我曾是觀眾的一員 現在我卻想成為晨鳥 夜蟲 日夜為妳唱歌奏曲
不管你有沒有聽到 我都會一直唱奏下去直到我離開

